There was a good turnout of riders from the Ely & District Cycling Club - B&T Motor Repairs on Saturday in the ECCA 10 mile time trial held on the E2/10 course from Six Mile Bottom to Fourwentways and back. The fastest Ely rider in the event was once again Darran Bennett, who took advantage of the favourable conditions to complete the 10 mile course in a time of 19:47 at an average speed of 30.3mph, the fastest time ever set on the E2/10 course by an Ely rider. John Manlow was the second fastest Ely rider in a time of 21:19, a personal best for him at that distance, with Derek Ricketts third fastest in a time of 21:33, Ricketts' fastest time ever on the E2/10 course. Martin Holmes finished in a time of 21:45, a few seconds faster than Will Shepherd on 21:52, who also set a new personal best over 10 miles. Glen Clark, in his first open time trial for several years, finished in a time of 23:34 and Alison Fox was the third Ely rider to set a distance personal best with her time of 24:17.

On Sunday Rory Havis took part in the Great Yamouth CC race held over a 25 mile distance on the BS13A course between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Havis finished the 25 miles in a time of 57:35 which gave him third place on the day.