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This Years Evening Time Trial Events

With the restrictions on Sports being eased this means that we will be able to run our Evening TT's, the events can be found under the events tab in the menu. Restrictions are going to change as we progress through the Year, so we are going to break the events down into 3 blocks of 6 events (conveniently we have 18 events). So, as we did last year, we are inviting you to enter the events from 20th April through to 25th May (inclusive). Email entries to by Sunday 11th April, stating which weeks you will be riding & if you intend to ride the 25 mile events, there will be the shorter options for the 25's as usual.

As last year, there will be a signing on sheet produced for each week, you will collect your number at the 1st event you ride & keep this for the duration of the events. We will collect entry fees by Bank Transfer as we did last year.

At the 2019 AGM, we decided to have a Road Bike Competition in the Evening TT's. To qualify you need to ride in 3 x 10 mile & 2 x 25 mile events, there is no requirement to state on your entry which ones you will be riding on a road bike, but you must make a note on the signing on sheet for the evening when you do ride. I hope that makes sense? You can ride more than the minimum number of events & we will take your fastest ones to qualify. A road bike must satisfy the following criteria - No aero bars, wire spoked wheels & No pointy helmets.


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